
Partner Schools
FIRE Foundation of Denver is pleased to award $491,000 in grants
to the following schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Annunciation - Denver, CO
Annunciation Catholic School has been a mainstay in the Cole neighborhood of Denver for over 125 years. Their community reflects the diversity around them, and they inspire, challenge, and support their students to develop as curious learners, expand their understanding of the world, uncover their unique gifts, build strong character, and become good people who realize their potential. This includes, with the support of FIRE Foundation of Denver grants, students with special needs. Teachers and administrators from Annunciation continue to receive professional development in areas related to their student population’s needs, including inclusive education practices.
Blessed Miguel Pro - Westminster, CO
Celebrating the communities of St. Catherine of Siena and Holy Trinity, Blessed Miguel Pro Academy supports an integrated education, steeped in a Catholic worldview. Having participated in professional development over the past year, Blessed Miguel Pro is broadening their mission to create Disciples of Christ by providing inclusive education. In fact, the faculty and staff at Blessed Miguel Pro is being recognized for their strides in serving students with special needs. Teachers are stepping up to gain knowledge and experience in inclusive education. Following Fr. Pro’s example in life, Blessed Miguel Pro Academy is spreading their love for Christ to all those who seek Catholic education.
Holy Family High School - Broomfield, CO
Holy Family High School offers a Catholic learning environment that stresses academic excellence, fosters mutual respect, demands responsibility and encourages self-growth. HFHS is a Catholic, archdiocesan, college preparatory, co-educational high school that serves students in grades 9 through 12.
Most Precious Blood - Denver, CO
Most Precious Blood Catholic School empowers students to reach their highest potential through instruction and practice of the Catholic faith, in academics, personal growth, and social responsibility. With a new focus on inclusive education, MPB’s faculty and staff are ensuring their mission spreads to all those desiring Catholic education, regardless of special education needs. Community is at the root of their mission. MPB values the families’ role in the education process by providing a safe and accepting environment where they know they belong. Most Precious Blood helps build a foundation to foster a lifetime of learning and leadership, rooted in the commitment of love and trust in God.
Nativity: Faith & Reason - Broomfield, CO
Founded in 1963, Nativity currently serves more than 400 students in preschool through eighth grade, from across 30 parishes. Nativity: Faith & Reason educates the whole person of the child in a friendly and supportive environment. Nativity helps each young person grasp the complex reality of the world, setting them on the road to making his or her own contribution to it.
Our Lady of Loreto - Foxfield, CO
Established in 2013, Our Lady of Loreto opened its doors to the South Denver/Aurora community. Though at that time OLOL served Kindergarten through 5 th grade, they have blossomed into a school that serves Kindergarten through 8 th grade with a flourishing Pre-school/Pre- K program.
Our Lady of Loreto Catholic School strives to be a Christ-centered community, weaving the teachings of the Church with the traditional archdiocesan curriculum. Along with a rigorous curriculum OLOL bolster that with daily religion classes, morning and afternoon prayers, Lectio Divina, weekly Masses, weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and monthly confession for students. The school believes this sets the framework and tone for their students to learn about the rich Catholic tradition.
Our Lady of Lourdes - Denver, CO
Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Classical School is to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their children. OLOL’s rigorous classical training draws out of students their natural desire for wisdom and virtue. By fostering a love for truth, beauty, and goodness, OLOL seeks to form disciples of Jesus Christ, set free to realize their full potential by living joyfully in accordance with the truth revealed by God through nature and the Catholic Church.
Sacred Heart of Jesus School - Boulder, CO
Thanks to the leadership and advocacy of Fr. Mark Kovacik, Principal Marie Dunn, and Learning Resources Coordinator, Andrea Berry, Sacred Heart of Jesus has actively worked to accept any child who wishes to attend their school, no matter their needs. They have utilized their resources to develop their special education program and have also developed creative ways to work with their local public school district to improve access to title funding and support. As a result, they have added a Special Education teacher to their faculty and now offer services including speech and occupational therapy. Their goal is to provide a Catholic education to any child who comes to them, working hard to ensure families with children with special needs are able to send all of their children to this amazing Catholic school. The FIRE Foundation of Denver is excited to support the great work Sacred Heart of Jesus is doing in Boulder.
St. John the Baptist - Longmont, CO
St. John the Baptist has been a leader for Catholic school inclusion in Colorado. As principal, Dr. Kemmery Hill has spent several years expanding St. John’s ability to offer a Catholic education to students of all abilities. With the understanding that every student comes to school with different needs, her vision has focused on avoiding the “one-size-fits-all” approach. Instead, the teachers have received training in team-teaching, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning, and more. A dedicated space in the school building is utilized as a resource room for pull-out or specialized help. Students with special needs can work with their therapists during the school day in the resource room before returning to their general education classroom to learn alongside their typically-developing peers. Perhaps the most beautiful outcome of St. John the Baptist’s work can be seen in the community. Parents volunteer in classrooms where they can see the positive impacts inclusive education has on their children, and the parish community continually offers generous financial support of this inclusive mission. The FIRE Foundation of Denver is proud to partner with St. John the Baptist to make Catholic education available to all of God’s children.
St. John the Evangelist - Loveland, CO
With the support of the Fire Foundation of Denver, Saint John the Evangelist can foster an inclusive environment welcoming children with learning disabilities. They believe every student deserves an exceptional education grounded in faith, respect, and compassion. One of the key ways St. John’s promotes inclusivity is through their Intervention Team, which offers personalized support to students who require additional assistance. The team provides one-on-one and small-group instruction, tailoring their approach to meet the specific needs of each student. To provide comprehensive support for students with special needs, St. John’s has a dedicated Special Education Teacher and paraprofessional working closely with students and teachers. They collaborate with classroom teachers to provide guidance on differentiated instruction and classroom accommodations. St. John’s school faculty and staff employ various strategies, including pull-out and push-in methods, to ensure students receive the individualized attention and resources necessary to excel. Equipping their students with the necessary tools and resources empowers them to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential. St. John the Evangelist nurtures a generation of compassionate leaders who will make a positive difference in their communities, advocating for justice, equality, and understanding.
St. Mary - Greeley, CO
For more than two decades, St. Mary Catholic School has partnered with families from all over northern Colorado to nurture and develop the whole child. Their faith centered academic community encourages service to God and others and strives to form the hearts, minds and souls of their students in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. They have opened their doors to students with special needs and have gratefully received grants from FIRE Denver to support their staff in serving those needs. With the firm belief that Christ is the center of our existence, St. Mary’s faculty are committed to forming their students academically, physically, socially, and, most importantly, spiritually.
St. Mary Catholic Virtue School - Littleton, CO
St. Mary’s journey towards inclusion began decades ago with the establishment of a Reading Resource department. Through the contribution of several dedicated teachers over the years, the program expanded to serve students with mild needs. Over the past two years, St. Mary has expanded this program even further to support students with moderate needs and has now welcomed several students with more intensive needs. St. Mary is committed to sustaining and expanding our Special Education and Resource services. Growing evidence shows that an inclusive environment benefits not only students with special needs, but also those who are learning alongside them. As we focus on inclusion, we see that having students of varying abilities helps all grow in the virtues of humility, charity, and patience. Typically developing students are benefiting from inclusion at St. Mary by walking a path to sainthood alongside their peers with varying special needs. The FIRE Foundation of Denver and the Archdiocese of Denver are proud to support such a strong program!
St. Rose of Lima - Denver, CO
Responding to Christ’s call to go and make disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:18), St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy’s mission is to educate and inspire young men and women to love God, seek Truth, pursue excellence, and transform the world as excellent Catholic scholars and faithful disciples of Jesus.
Wellspring Catholic Academy - Lakewood, CO
Wellspring Catholic Academy of St. Bernadette is thrilled to join the mission of ensuring a Catholic education to all students and families who desire it regardless of disabilities. This is simply upholding the dignity of all those created in the image and likeness of Christ. At Wellspring, they encourage all students to embrace their humanity given to us through Christ and grow in holiness by uniting our humanity with His. Wellspring has a part time Director of Student Support who works with the family and education team to write a 504 and Independent Catholic Education Plan. She also works 1:1 with the students and teachers offering accommodations and modifications allowing our curriculum to be accessible. As a school, Wellspring provides teacher professional development to aid in the planning and instruction of all students and work towards a more inclusive environment. Being able to provide inclusion makes their community better.
Office of Catholic Schools - Archdiocese of Denver
In partnership with the Archdiocese and Office of Catholic Schools, FIRE Denver is pleased to provide a grant to support the work of the Department of Student Support Services. The mission of this office is to awaken wholeness, teaching whole Truth, to the whole person, for the whole of life so that our students will know, understand, and serve in the unique mission for which they were created. The Department of Student Support helps to oversee, build systems, offer training, and assist schools in vital task of educating children with exceptional needs throughout the Archdiocese of Denver.

Spark Schools
FIRE Foundation of Denver is pleased to partner with the following
schools for the 2024-2025 school year as Spark Schools – a new initiative
of FIRE Denver aimed at increasing training and education for non
Partner Schools in the Archdiocese of Denver.
Assumption - Denver, CO
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Parish & School seeks to hand on the Catholic and Apostolic Faith in all its integrity by celebrating reverently the Sacred Liturgy, evangelizing our family and friends with the joy of the Gospel, and educating our youth in the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that in this apostolic age Christ might be preferred to everything.
Frassati Catholic Academy - Thornton, CO
Serving students in Preschool through 8th Grade, Frassati Catholic Academy is a secure place to form minds and a sacred place to form souls. Classical Education trains the mind to learn, to think and to persuade—skills that are urgently needed to navigate our complex modern world.
Notre Dame - Denver, CO
Faithfully rooted in the wisdom and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and open to all, Notre Dame Parish School touches the hearts and teaches the minds of students in all facets of their discipleship of Jesus Christ.
Shrine of St. Anne - Arvada, CO
The Shrine of St. Anne School offers a thriving, close community of families and students that support a nurturing community, reinforced family environment, rigorous academic curriculum and Catholic faith formation. Many of our families have attended for multiple generations.
have been doing OCS or other professional development regarding inclusion prior to their application;
have interfaced with the Director of Student Support Services at the Office of Catholic Schools regarding their application;
have a plan to enroll specific students whom the school could not adequately support without FIRE Denver funding AND/OR have students already enrolled who have been diagnosed with moderate to severe needs which the school cannot continue adequately to support without FIRE Denver funding;
have engaged in fundraising to underwrite inclusion and/or have committed institutional funds for inclusion.
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